In Windows, you can even synchronize your Clipboard between devices using the cloud. Then you can recall them as many times as you want quickly by pressing the Windows+V keyboard shortcut. Typically, the contents of the Clipboard reset when you restart your PC, although it is possible to pin items to the clipboard in Windows 10 and 11 using an opt-in feature called Clipboard History. When you Paste the information you copied, Windows retrieves the contents of the Clipboard and puts it where you want it to go. When you copy or cut something (such as a block of text, an image, or a link), Windows temporarily stores the data in a special memory location called the Clipboard. Understanding the Clipboard The Difference Between Copy and Cut How to Copy, Cut, and Paste Using Keyboard Shortcuts Alternative Copy, Cut, and Paste Keyboard Shortcuts How to Copy, Cut, and Paste Using Right-Click How to Copy, Cut, and Paste Using Application Menus How to Empty Your Clipboard Understanding the Clipboard