Imessage download apk
Imessage download apk

Clone the PieMessage project onto your OSX Device.Open the Messages application and add your iCloud account in Messages > Preferences > Accounts.It also receives JSON to show in list of any new incoming iMessages. It then sends JSON messages to the JWS using that socket. The Android client connects to a socket that whose IP address is of the OSX device that is running the JWS and OSX Client. If the JWS recieves a socket 'incoming' JSON message from the OSX Client, it means the OSX Client has detected a new message and wants the JWS to notify the Android client. If the JWS receives a socket 'outgoing' JSON message from the Android client, it will pass it to the OSX Client to tell it to send the iMessage that was requested from the Android. The JWS is what connects the OSX Client to the Android client. I have provided a database schema to help visualize the database in the pdf, MessagesSchema.pdf. Incoming messages are detected from a change from the sqlite chat.db of the 'Messages' app whose default location is ~/Library/Messages/chat.db. If the OSX Client detects any changes to the "Messages" sqlite database file where a new message has been received, it will send the JWS a socket 'incoming' JSON message. The OSX Client & JWS run on any OSX machine (Macbook, Mac, etc.). This script is what sends an iMessage message. It is what makes sending iMessages possible. The messages.applescript is arguably the most important part of the project. There are 4 parts to the PieMessage project. I am releasing it because I need your help. This is project allows Android clients to communicate using iMessage.

Imessage download apk