Note that latest updates to OSX 10.14 (Mojave), and any versions of OSX 10.15 Catalina and up, contain extra security precautions that discriminate against programs that did not come from the App Store. If you have disabled XQuartz previously, for any reason, a complete uninstall and re-install may be the easiest way to get going, and this re-install is always needed after a OSX version upgrade.You can start it by itself and run XTerm with in it (right-click on the running X icon) to test your install. Other install instructions for XQuartz are on that same web site. If you forget this, XQuartz will be unable to provide a "Display" to the application, meaning it will fail to start. Once you have installed it you need to logoff and on (or restart the Mac) once to allow the X system to be fully enabled.Go to and download the installer and run it to completion - it takes a couple of minutes so some patience is required.To run XTrackCAD you first need to install XQuartz -> the open-source version of X11.

See DownloadInstall for download instructions