He finally accepted a position with the Washington, D.C., bureau of the New York Chronicle. After graduation from college, he and Steve spent a year cultivating the Beverly Beat, a small newspaper given to Steve by Rush. Throughout the entire series, Brandon was involved in different journalism projects, from sports editor and co-chief of the Beverly Blaze in high school to co-editor of the CU Condor, a brief stint as news director at CUTV, and a year as student-body president (sophomore year). In Season 3, Brandon developed a serious gambling problem, which Nat, his boss at the Peach Pit, bailed him out of after he got into trouble with a mobster bookmaker after Brandon placed a few too many sports bets that he could not cover. In Season 1, after one of his drinks was spiked at a party, he briefly experienced a problem with drinking which led to the demise of his first cherished car (which he called 'Mondale'), and a night in jail. After his initial difficulties with Beverly Hills, he became loved by many and liked by all. Jason Priestley portrays Brandon Andrew Walsh (main, season 1–9 archive footage, season 10), the moral center of the show and the glue that holds the gang together (and Priestley was the group's off-screen "quarterback"). Jason Priestley appeared as male lead Brandon for Seasons 1–9, and worked extensively behind the scenes.